CARTESI — the blockchain will receive its first real operating system

Bitcoin Sukabumi
3 min readJan 28, 2020


Cartesi DApp is a hybrid model that includes on-chain and off-chain parts. The off-chain part runs in a network composed of Cartesi Nodes. The off-chain part can be further subdivided into two modules and run directly on the host’s local computing. Although local computing can access the full computing power of the node (including GPUs), but its computational nature is irreproducible. Reproducible computing runs in the Cartesi Machine and is controlled by the Cartesi Node. This is a complete, self-contained deterministic Linux system running on a deterministic RISC-V platform. Nodes pass some of the identified host interfaces that interact with Cartesi Machine.

DApp developers can specify that the off-chain calculation uses a reproducible method. Cartesi Nodes will automatically perform offline calculations according to the specified method. DApp developers can request nodes to submit results, verify transactions and debate results submitted by other nodes. From a chain perspective, processing controversial calculations only take up insignificant resources. When disputes occur, the cost of dispute processing is only the logarithmic complexity of storage and time, that is, O (logN), the computational complexity of Cartesi Nodes in the offline part, Is also only a linear overhead O (n), and the constant does not exceed 2. In this way, Cartesi virtually bridges the computing and storage capacity gap between traditional and contract computing.

Moving calculations off-chain will provide additional benefits beyond scalability. For example, Cartesi Machine makes it possible for developers to use their proficient development languages, tools, libraries, software, and services. Also, because of Cartesithe organizational form of computing is not related to the underlying block chain type. By isolating existing complex contract logic to off-chain for reproducible calculations, developers can even make their DApps cross-chain.

How Cartesi can help to change the world?

Cartesi applications will be able to read and do complex calculus involving data from multiple blockchains. This will enable interoperability between blockchains and services such as futures and insurance markets.

Efficient AI, by AI.
A trustless marketplace for AI and computational tasks. With the power of Cartesi’s decentralized automated verification, developers will be able to create services that allow new DApps to outsource and distribute work. These include machine learning, data analysis, or computationally intensive tasks that require experts in the field. This opens new possibilities for lower cost AI, developed by outsourced experts and bots.

Truly Own Your Game.
Cartesi will unleash vast new possibilities for blockchain games. Developers will be able to use the tools, libraries, and engines that can be compiled for Linux. Additionally, game processing will be free from the limits of blockchains without the need to sacrifice decentralization. Envision trustless global participation across multiple games.

Discovering the Unknown.
Outsourced computation will allow for millions of users to lend their idle computing power. This will benefit scientific research, 3d rendering, video transcoding, and many other computationally intensive tasks in a totally trustless way, without reputation systems.

Decentralized Data Science.
Cartesi’s verifiable computation paves the way for decentralized data scientist marketplaces. Businesses can outsource optimization tasks to experts whose jobs will be compensated if and only if they are computationally proven to be correct. Imagine optimizing the use of transport based on packages to deliver, their sizes and where they have to go.

The Cartesi blockchain is no doubt, one of the best blockchain networks for DApps development as well as computations. You can now take advantage of this sizzling opportunity to bolster your efforts at DApps development.

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