Relictum Pro Blockchain 5.0 of The Next Generation

Bitcoin Sukabumi
5 min readApr 2, 2020


Relictum Pro is a blockchain of the latest age, Blockchain 5.0, which has all the crucial major and sufficient condition to ensure made by the fourth time of blockchain. Relictum Pro is a flexible, hyper current blockchain, with a view to the far future. This is a phase that can be used with small clients and with even more amazing processors, basic stations and with the latest electronic and computer developments, including quantum ones, its a ceaseless spread vault with a made course of action of keen agreements, depicting formalizing any event in human life, reaching out from buying and selling product and adventures, recording key events, to following copyright and speaking with legitimate

To take care of existing issues, Relictum Pro network proposes a few changes in the design of the blockchain, influencing correspondence conventions, organize framework, between arrange understandings, agreement calculations, etc. Relictum Professional doesn’t rely upon the specialized strategy, it is only a NODE, and how the message is conveyed doesn’t make a difference.

Relictum Pro Features

Own added modification of SHA1-based hashing algorithm

No problems of consensus, there are no problems and issues related to the solution of various ambiguities such as collisions, double waste, etc.

А block hash collision may occur in 100 years due to the continuous numbering of each block in Master Chain

Size weight of the node ranging from 120 to 300 bytes according to calculations, in 20 years the registry weight can reach 1 GB if you work with the bitcoin mode intensity.

Full featured real nodes in smartphones. That is in favor of full decentralization a full distributed registry independent of third-party servers and services.

The ability to store global data in a decentralized distributed repository the choice of each participant to provide hard disk space and receive a commission.

Full wrenched smart contract of bookkeeping and coordinations, for instance, from planting an espresso shrubbery, moving, selling espresso to representing a mug of espresso devoured by the end client.

The advantages of blockchain 5.0

Relictum Pro has the following specific characters:

  1. Newest block architecture. It supposes new organization of chains and blocks, with hash in MasterChain and synchronization and sharing of data thanks to the parallel chains n-dimensional smart-contracts.
  2. Own communication technology. There are virtual communication channels (HyperNet) and OSI transport layer which is based on TCP/IP protocol over the Internet.
  3. PoT own consensus. New consensus algorithm PoT (Proof of Tsar) supposes the defence from hash collisions, nodes typing and their conditions.

The products of Relictum Pro

Distributed storage. It allows to keep digitized documents, data set and files of any volume life-long in the system, unlike hostings. Copyright with the recognition of intelligent digitized work and a pirated copy is organized automatically. Reward to an author for the use of materials is also paid automatically.

Decentralized exchange. Reliable and secure platform that allows to trade more than 500 currency pairs. The presence of Quick Share Feature. Own Token Sale platform.

Secure chat. Private chat with personal encryption of each conversation. The possibility of transferring tokens, cryptocurrencies and RLC.

The possibilities for the usage of the latest blockchain

As well as the versions of previous generations, the latest blockchain can be also used in absolutely different spheres. But the most priority directions for blockchain 5.0 are:

  • Law (value, ability to withstand inflation, scalability)
  • Finances (reducing risks, high speed of operations)
  • Medicine (simplification of the electronic medical records maintenance, health insurance modernization)
  • Insurance (reduction of fraud, improving customer service)
  • Logistics (effectiveness, transparency and higher speed of processes)
  • Hydrocarbons (the solution of difficulties with transactions, documents, cross-border transportation)
  • Ticket market issues (the solution of problems with fakes and touting)

An economic aspect of Relictum Pro

The cost of transactions in Relictum Pro is the lowest in the world — 0%. Here people can receive and send any electronic or digital currency, cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies. There are 3 kinds of cryptocurrency in Relictum Pro: genesis tokens (GTN), stable-tokens and Relict coins (RLC).

Genesis tokens express the intellectual property (IP) rights of the Relictum Pro software code. Stable tokens are digital assets. The emission of stable tokens depends on electronic or digital currencies received on Relictum Pro wallets.

RLC is the main coin of the Relictum Pro network. The emission of Relict coins depends on the forging of coins when new entries in the blockchain are created. RLC doesn’t depend on external economic and political influences thanks to the complex mathematical algorithm that excludes coin inflation.

Genesis Token (GTN)

Genesis Tokens are tokens that express the intellectual property (IP) right of Relictum Pro network code issued in the amount of 10,000,000,000 GTN and distributed during the corresponding Token Sale rounds among early investors who believed in a mathematically based concept and Relictum Pro network.

Tokens distribution

Tokens distribution for Token Sale, including:

50% — Early investors
38% — To team
9% — Marketing cost
3% — To advisors

To Buy Token Visit

What is Relict Coin?

If you make an analogy with the world of electronic, digital currencies and assets, they can draw the following conclusions:

  • The amount of assets on Earth — is a constant value
  • The value of electronic, digital currencies and assets — fluctuates only with respect to each other

Thus, the project team believes that you can create a permanent, relative to the basis of all currencies, stablecoin RLC, which would level fluctuations in the value of stable tokens with respect to each other.

RLC is the first stable coin

Such constancy will be expressed in costing of dynamic-coefficient stable-coin RLC related to global electronic, digital currencies and assets that will be reflected on the currency fluctuation map.



The features of Relictum Pro is never before seen in any Blockchain Project till date which makes Relictum Pro stand out among other Blockchain technology, Finally we have a brand new upgraded Blockchain Haven that makes a million transactions happens in a second, This is a rare gem project that must not be missed just like how bitcoin was so great years back Relictum Pro will be totally unstoppable.

Official resources of the Relictum Pro project:

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Author : lebaran
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